jeudi 16 juillet 2009

Norway : first week

I put this post after a week with the rain, the rain and again the rain.

So this week was really so bad for myself cause i could't find my energies to restart the journey. Why ? Same if i met all my friends in france, it wasn't good idea for come-back. Because i lost my motivation.
Ok ! Escuse me but sometimes i'm stupid guy who want s more and more and don't know that i'm very lucky to travel.. I ma HUMAN too ! I can't be able to be happy everyday and everytime.
But there isn't the question about the and the luck. It's just that the life is full all surprise and notnecessarilly good. Learn to live alone or almost, it is a game who is little dangerous for the mental or otherwise it's good to progress. Maybe, that's why i given my energies when i was on the stage with Djemdi's band and i t was really great to share that with you who support me with your spirit. Thanks a lot !
I was really disapointed during 3 days after the way comes from Danemark. Why i am here alone and for what ? Cause i'm an objectif and i most keep !ay, i did a very hard training for recuperat my feelings with myself and to understand that the life is so beautiful in the reality. Who gives me that ? My angel who protect me when i'm driving, climbing and sleeping.
Peace and Love

Philippe Ribiere

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