Cela faisait longtemps que je n'avais donné de nouvelles. Of course, je n'avais pas d'internet pendant quinze jours. Alors maintenant, je vais essayer d'ecrire en anglais pour nos amis anglo-phone. Ok ?
After the meeting with Thomas Mrazek, I decided to restart my project in Brno. It was so crazy and strange for learn a new climbing pratice. Finally, i won my problems. Check the picture !
I was happy because one moment, i thought that it wasn't possible to finish the boulder but i don't know why i resolve it. So, after that i decided to continue my positives vibrations for go in Austria or excatly in Buirguine Aggstein.
After one day for stay quiet, i opened a new boulder with two problems : "Tchequie Chick Massage" and "Piss on the shit".
One face of boulderBefore the hard mouv in "Tchequie Chick Massage" Little swing for "Piss on the shit"It was nice because we have no the same level climbing but it was intersting for everybody (and me) to comparate the climb. Of course, i'm disabled with the climb but no in the life. That's why i travel now for give my energie, my feeling and my stupdity french. Jokes !
The 8st may, i presented my movie at all climber. Nice moments ! The next climbers was show the movie are Gareth Pary and James Pearson who stopped their travel around Europe during 40 days. So crazy guys anbd i liked their lecture. After the programm continued with the famous movie : PURE. If you want my opinion ; i thinks that it's new things for shoot the sequence with nice traveling and nice effects. But you can buy this movie in internet.
The next day, everybody was climbing and the night session is now. Funny party with all guys and girls. Why the girls touched my ass ? I wanted to understand. After just for gift, i maked the fire show behing the bridge with the Petzl and La Sportiva tentes. So incredible for all with the DJ's sounds ! Personally i finished my night at 3:00 am.
Sunday, it was the time for stop because i cutten my fingers and there was no more motivation after the party. The end afternoon, everybody goes in their home. I was a little sade !
What's happen, man ?
By accident, i met Gath Parry and James Pearson. We spoke together about their travel and the mine around the dinner in the pizzeria.
I love the pizza italian and the italian girls.After that, i came back in the Val Di Mello place when 3 climbers told me and we finished 10 people behind my bus for small party, sign my posters and blablabla. So nice !
But it' was'nt good when the helicopter wake up you ! I wanted to fight the mens.
I love the pizza italian and the italian girls.After that, i came back in the Val Di Mello place when 3 climbers told me and we finished 10 people behind my bus for small party, sign my posters and blablabla. So nice !
But it' was'nt good when the helicopter wake up you ! I wanted to fight the mens.
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