I arrived in Columbia the 16th November to Bogota, the capital. The SUR COMPANY, distributor of Petzl, welcomed me in this nice city with a nice introduction by a little party.
Just because I am lazy to tell you all my planning there I can say that I had really good time in Satatausa and Bucaramangua.
The first trip was made in Satatausa with Juan David, the local. He has a really nice place to camp if you need. We went there with the SUR COMPANY , Daniel Mora, Miguel Angel Cervantes and the filmakers crew. I wish to present you soon the video of all these trip and especially Satatausa. So on, I was jumping around all boulders because I dd not know where to start. But at the end, I crushed 80% of my projects which makes me more psyched for the next of the season.
After 4 days I went to present the new film of my last expedition with Read Macadam, the Valley of Giants during the Reel Rock Tour 2015. It was a surprise and a good opportunity to screening up this premiere in South America. I had after a pleasure to make a lecture to the gym.
The second place I visited and which It will stay in my good memories is "Mojara" or exactly located in Bucaramangua. the owners of the REFUGIO La ROCA, Ricardo Cancelado and Alexandra Leguizamon. Obvioustly I wish one day you can visit this peace and quiet place. Also I met really nice persons there and it looked really like vacations for me. Thanks to the girls of the refuge who really cared about my healty...almost.
Thank a lot mi amores y mi amigos ! I wish to come back one day! Thank !!!
All these emotions comes in my language with me for the next adventures. Sure I was quiet busy after it by lectures around Bogotoa and Suesca.
Thank to Javier Uruena, Miguel Angel Cervantes and Daniel Mora to have organized this trip for me.
Once again ! Something is different in South America because people are friendly and they have a really respect of each other. Something is missing in Occident ;-)
Philippe Ribiere
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