Long time ago that I didn't put my ass on the cheare to write something. I admite to be a lazy man, even thought I enjoyed my time in many places like Spain, Font, China and right now in USA.
First, i went to spain to participate and to make a slideshow in Santa Lynia : "DESPLOMAT" to protect the famous cave who makes all climbers happy. So it was normal to go there even if i don't climb 9a. Here to watch the movie >>>
Otherwise, I benefited to share my climbing with my friend Urko Carmona who competed also in the Paraclimbing World Championship and he won 2 gold medals.

After that, I went to visit a new place that I was looking for 6months. It calls "La Pedriza". Amazing place with many problems but it is pitty that people don't care with the nature. It is not complicated to clean your trash and to put in the garbage. I spent almost one afternoon to collecte all the shit and to burn it later. Anyway, after a week, I am still exhausted by the climbing but how it is so good ! ATTENDS ;-)
Second step, I drove to Paris to dress my Handi-Grimpe's event in Paris who was the 17th october 2011. Nothing special, except that the event need more attention by the world of climbers n France. How it is possible that my friends Urko Carmona and Yuka Kobayashi came from Japon and Spain just to spend an afternoon ? Something that I can not explain...
Juste the time to breath and to rest....

Third step. packing for the Petzl Roc Trip in China, After many travels all around the world, for the moment the chineese's part is the best trip that I never did. Something special in this small village of Getu. All routes climbing are awesome, landscapes are so beautiful even if we saw the sun twice time. chineese people from the Getu's village are really nice. All we liked the trip dressed by Erwan Lelan who worked almost 2 years to offer at all climbers and villagers the best event ever. That is why during the last party, we celebrated our manager who deserved the congratulations. Thanks Erwan !
Sporting, I sent two 6b on sight, 1 6c after 3 ascents and I did not finish yet the project in 7a. Damned bt t is good to feel in the progress of climbing ;-).
Here the first editing.
After a jet lag from China where I slept 12 hours when I arrived in Font. Hopefully I benefited of the condition who are not so bad but not so good to send a 6b during the end of afternoon. Super cool ! I am in the shape after China ;-)

Fourth, travel to USA. Now, I am in boulder Canyon in the Dave Ggraham's place to rest before Hueco Tanks.
So now I think that I can sleep.....
See ya
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