I admit that I'm busy with the translation for Wild One's movie and the training regime that I try to follow. But it is not easy everyday…
Now, it is actually one month that I am here in Slovenia and last week-end was a bit a depressing, so many philosophic questions in my mind… What I am doing here ? Am I still a traveler or I become a geek ? Did I get my answers from my angel and also from my roommate? Maybe also sometimes, even if I am free, I need to test the real life, like working everyday. Is it the time to stop the dreams? Or it is just the time to participate and to work hard to get a result. I hope it is just a question of time…I am still free.Before I get lost in philosophy, let's jump backwards a bit...
Serbia…I was invited there by Slobodan Stokic and the Positiv Klub, to do a promotion tour with lectures, Tv shows and other meetings. So here we go…
After a road trip of 8 hours (4h with a normal car) by bus, with no really cultural stop for a man to take pee, we finally arrived to metropole of exYugoslavia, Belgrade. Totally exhausted, totally dirty and with a really big urge to use a normal bathroom…Thank god for my assistant, she takes care of all the important stuff in my life….like waking me up, reminding me to put up pants before going out, cooking coffee, bringing me toilet paper and getting me numbers from the girls…. What else can you wish more? It is perfect deal, for me at least! DING DONG ...
So at 7am, we went directly from bus to the B92, serbian main TV'station. Super cool, do you see my eyes!? No time to rest, no time to drink one coffee, no make up, nothing, just a second to wink my eyes once and we were already on the studio sofa with sleepy faces to discute about my life style, my Handi-Grimpe's event, my philosophy of the handicap in front of the camera. If I admit, I was so sleepy that even now I actually don't know what the conversation was about…
To see the movie >>>>
Then, in the tradition as a tourist, we visit the Beograd's town with Slobodan who left us around 4pm to rest a bit. Unfortunately, my assistant took my hand: ejooo, shopping time!
Oh my god! I was walking to the shop like a man who is walking towards the guillotine…. luckily for me she has the strangest taste for clothes so she took me to the coolest shop in Belgrade, the second hand's shop. We were like two kids who were so excited to found the most original jackets, old funky glasses, super for my testicals painfull pants, dozens of vinyls, and full of shit. I liked this short moment also afterwards because I realized it was actually our last free time until our departure. In the evening, I spoke with Slobodan to prepare his new project which really looks interesting, won't say too much, it will be a nice surprise for all of you shortly… I was surprised and it is an honor that some people give me the opportunity to hold the flag of the handicap. I appreciate this mark of the consideration.

Oh my god! I was walking to the shop like a man who is walking towards the guillotine…. luckily for me she has the strangest taste for clothes so she took me to the coolest shop in Belgrade, the second hand's shop. We were like two kids who were so excited to found the most original jackets, old funky glasses, super for my testicals painfull pants, dozens of vinyls, and full of shit. I liked this short moment also afterwards because I realized it was actually our last free time until our departure. In the evening, I spoke with Slobodan to prepare his new project which really looks interesting, won't say too much, it will be a nice surprise for all of you shortly… I was surprised and it is an honor that some people give me the opportunity to hold the flag of the handicap. I appreciate this mark of the consideration.

Other place and other ambient… I was "shanty shanty" to climb in the gym but then my assistant decided to kick my ass and she pushed me to finally do a hard training. Stoooooppp, I will die !
Around 9-10pm, she finished my suffers by some abdominals exercises. You can't imagine an ego-pain of a man, who pretends that his abdos don't hurt when he smiles or jawns…? But then later in the evening, we saw the coolest show in the Belgrade," Silicon Valley". What the f…? It is not Serbia, it is the "Silicon Valley! Believe me or not, but there is a special street in the town where almost all the girls have their lips pumped, the boobs silliconed and I am pretty sure that it is the same with the ass and brain. Sexy? I for sure like that some things on girls are big :) but I realized that the girl with no little mistakes is like a library with no books… Where does a world go?

Around 9-10pm, she finished my suffers by some abdominals exercises. You can't imagine an ego-pain of a man, who pretends that his abdos don't hurt when he smiles or jawns…? But then later in the evening, we saw the coolest show in the Belgrade," Silicon Valley". What the f…? It is not Serbia, it is the "Silicon Valley! Believe me or not, but there is a special street in the town where almost all the girls have their lips pumped, the boobs silliconed and I am pretty sure that it is the same with the ass and brain. Sexy? I for sure like that some things on girls are big :) but I realized that the girl with no little mistakes is like a library with no books… Where does a world go?

Next day, we went to visit an institution SVE JE MOGUCE in the downtown.When I arrived on the site, I had a bad sensation that there is no happiness here. I understood later during the lecture why my feeling wasn't wrong. The institution is full of adults on the wheelchairs who live their slow time. Hopefully, there is many activities to save them of the solitude and invisible social life in Serbia. Something strange…I benefit of my "situation' and I mentioned it directly the next day during the second show-tv. How is it possible in year 2011, that people, who pay taxes and do everything like they are asked from the state, that the same government hides the money from disabled and puts it in somewhere. What to do? Here in this institution, people can take only one shower per week, change the pillow and covers one time per month, they can't go outside by themselves…. They are disabled and they are in the public institution and it is just like this. I was shocked… How can the government play with the life of other people. It is not the democracy…It is the shit. I am still cranky to realize that finally, it is bull-shit.
To change the subject to the greener side of my trip, burek, pita, rakija,… eoujeeeah, in "Sillicone, sillicone, sillicone" valley but anyway...
Later just down the street I did a meeting with the kids but just only one came to participate, Mladen. Finally, It was really interesting for me because I never saw a teenager with even bigger disability of me. I regret not to share a normal climbing with him because there had been a journalist who made many pictures and there were a lot of distractions to have a normal conversation…I hope that I will climb one more time with him. That is why I suggested him to compete for the first World Championship in Arco.

To change the subject to the greener side of my trip, burek, pita, rakija,… eoujeeeah, in "Sillicone, sillicone, sillicone" valley but anyway...
Later just down the street I did a meeting with the kids but just only one came to participate, Mladen. Finally, It was really interesting for me because I never saw a teenager with even bigger disability of me. I regret not to share a normal climbing with him because there had been a journalist who made many pictures and there were a lot of distractions to have a normal conversation…I hope that I will climb one more time with him. That is why I suggested him to compete for the first World Championship in Arco.

To finish this long day, we went after some drinks and burkes, directly in the bed. I was tired but I got the best surprise around 4am to hear this f***g neighbors speaking really loud in front of our room. Putain!!!! I wanted to scream, I was already like Hulk, well…a bit smaller and with no green skin around my strong body, but my assistant stopped me, she already had a bit more classy revenge prepared for the next day, so I went to the silicone land again in my dreams….wake up, packing, goodbye and Slayer eujeeah full volume at 5am, here you go you stupid neighbors, enjoy! thank you assistant…
walking, walking, walking, coffee, walking, coffee, bus, au revoir Serbie, bon jour Slovenie, my home for the next couple of months :)…..
…See you, jade
walking, walking, walking, coffee, walking, coffee, bus, au revoir Serbie, bon jour Slovenie, my home for the next couple of months :)…..

…See you, jade
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