mardi 19 novembre 2013

Automn's report

Hi all my friends,

I will not apologize to not write any report for these last weeks but it is true that I became "M.I.A".Even I don't know what to write to not spend so much time front of this screen.
In the same time I should write some sentences about the Paraclimbing competition in Laval, the Font's trip, the Wild One projection in the french institute's in Slovenia, the Macedonian's trip, the training and to finish the Wild One projection in Budapest.

So I will write about my feelings about all these travels which makes me tired for the last days.
When I left from Paris after the celebration of the 10th birthday about the creation of the HANDI-GRIMPE which is still on during 10 years. I met different people who touched me by their sentences talking about their experiences with an handicap. I was kind of proud and a bit distant when the major told nicely about my presence and my participation for the handicap. At this point I thought he talk about someone else. Just because I am still on the ground to know where I come from and what are my goals about this subject. Because like I said always in all my presentations " How it is possible that in the nature, in the art (music, painting, etc) elements are not perfect and we love it. But in the paradox, the handicap is a form of art and we don't treat them like they are a little kid. Without thinking that kids have more consideration. Is it normal? Or am I too complicate because I solved my handicap problems?

In the transition I will talk about the last world cup in France. I am happy to see that youth climbers and the public was fascinated by the Paraclimbers. It is amazing that we fell like champions included in the climbing community. It is a bit confused what I wrote but I do remember 12 years ago when I decided to push internationals federation to create this category I never thought that in 2 years the climbing community will accept us so fast. Why not? Yes why not. Maybe because it is not in all sports.You can watch a report movie.
To finish, our team got some medals with Mathieu Besnard, Nicolas Moineau, Yves Le Bissonnais and Jean Cheminade.

After this, I went back "home" in Slovenia to make a Wild One projection in the french institute for the french embassy. It was nice moments.

Then we went to Macedonia to continue the exploration about this area which exists during 4 years already. As we do always there we enjoy the local customs and for sure the climbing. I made some footages with my friend Loic Gaidioz to the next movie. I wish to make a good one.

Jernej Kula Sheika Bula from Info RIBIERE on Vimeo.
After this nice trip I took the time to start the training for the next season. I really want to train just to not have any regrets at the end of the season. And also - and it is why we compete - I would love to get my chances for the next World Championships in Spain. So...Let's do it ! But first I have to get the "exam" for the selection in the french team the 21st december. You can upload the registration in the FFME's website. And that it is not ready yet! But it is also why I have to train this year more than often.

Between all this events I went to Hungary (Budapest) to show the Wild One's film. All people was entusiastic and makes me happy. Because some of them drove 15hours just to watch the movie. It is awesome! Some pictures and movie here >>>
Now I am a few days in France -at least 4 - to rest a bit before to go back "home" in Slovenia.
At this occasion I show an uncut film made in 5mn. See you around the world!!!

Zalog Nov 2013 from Info RIBIERE on Vimeo.

1 commentaire:

  1. Les enfants ne sont pas encore formatés. Ils distinguent donc sans préjugé le caractère unique de chaque personnalité. Tout être vivant travaille avec ses propres singularités, tente de les mettre en valeur, d'en tirer le meilleur. Ce que l'on nomme handicap est en fait une singularité qui par définition mérite d'être exploitée.
    Parfois, les commentaires ne sont pas importants. Il suffit de savoir que ceux que l'on aime, respecte, admire, œuvrent dans leur domaine avec conviction. et passion.
    Encore une fois, merci.
